August Cycling Guide update

Published by Mark Connolly on

Blue directional signs point in four directions, mentioning "Spurline Trail", "William Street", Willow Street", and "Waterloo Park" among other things.

Itā€™s been a busy summer for us here at the Cycling Guide Foundation. Weā€™ve been working away on many behind-the-scenes aspects of the Cycling Guide mobile app, and have just released the newest version to everyone via the App Store for iPhone and Google Play for Android. Be sure to install it now. This release addresses many small issues and provides big performance improvements, while also laying the foundation for exciting new future updates for the app.

Many of you will have first used Cycling Guide in its beta form, starting in late July of last year. The feedback that came in from our testers was instrumental in helping us improve the app in general and its routing in particular. Often the improvements came via updates to OpenStreetMap data, and generally weā€™ve been able to get those data fixes made fairly quickly. Of course the app became more widely available back in May, and I expect that most of the people who had been using the beta version switched to using the May version of the app. We continue to get great feedback from folks using the widely available version of Cycling Guide.

But we still value the feedback to early versions of updates and new features before they are released widely. In support of that, and recognizing that not everyone in the original test group may want to continue with it, weā€™re opening up a brand new beta program. If you enjoyed testing early releases, hereā€™s your chance to sign up to do just that! As always, we do respond to the feedback we receive, so please do keep it coming.

Join our new beta program now.

Thanks for your continued interest in Cycling Guide. 

Happy cycling everyone.

Categories: News

Mark Connolly

Executive Director at Cycling Guide Foundation